Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Brokeback Steve

Awesome. From Canadian Cynic.


Anonymous said...

So what is the deal here? Are you bashing gays now and saying that Harper and Bush should be ashamed to be gay. Are you saying that it is bad to be gay? Is this from the tolerant party of Canada that is bashing gays?

Dean P said...

Lord. First off, while I won't out Mike, I certainly have no problem being gay, and in fact, and quite pleased with it. As is the odd gentleman friend of mine.

But bon dieu, are you not getting the parody? Jeez.

If you're utterly lacking in a sense of humour, well, I'm not going to show it to you.

For the record, we homos are pretty good at self deprecation?

Mike B said...

"I won't out Mike"

Haha, sounds like you just did! Geez, I take a couple of hours off and all blog-hell breaks loose.

Don't make me close this sandbox down, children.

Anonymous said...

Are you bashing gays now and saying that Harper and Bush should be ashamed to be gay.

Of course they are.

Are you saying that it is bad to be gay?


Is this from the tolerant party of Canada that is bashing gays?

Could it be anything else?

There. I think I handled that with aplomb and panache.

Anonymous said...

Sorry....I was mocking your first commenter "shades of clarity." I have a habit of dead-panning with people who (either willfully or genuinely) don't get parody.

My bad!

Unknown said...

Yegods. Do right-wingnuts NEVER understand humour??

My mom used to roll her eyes at people who needed jokes explained to them. I see why, now.

I laughed my head off at two of the biggest gay-haters on the planet being depicted this way. One of the sharpest tools in the satirical box is to portray someone as what THEY hate most. This is also a commentary on THEIR gay-bashing and gay-hatred.

Dean P said...

Clarity of Shades--my bad. I didn't notice the different name; thought you were shades of clarity posting a clarification. Duh. Sorry.