Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Why on earth was an unofficial flag flying?

I don't get it. Today, at the opening of Parliament, Michaelle Jean arrived to the front of the Centre Block, where both our Flag and also the "Canadian Unity Flag" were flying.

This makes no sense. First, it's not an official flag, and has no place whatsoever at the opening of Parliament.

Second, it incorporates a design specifically rejected during the flag debates, that the flag should suggest that there are two peoples of Canada - the French and the English.

Mike suggested that maybe Jean asked for it - but if she's so keen on "briser les solitudes," why would she fly a flag that highlights them?

I don't like it. It smacks too much to me of eroding ancient traditions through folsky populism.


Anonymous said...

"I don't like it. It smacks too much to me of eroding ancient traditions through folsky populism."

What's this? A Liberal bemoaning the erosion of ancient traditions? Burke would be proud.

Just teasing. I agree with you on your post. To be honest, I didn't even know such a flag existed.

Ted Betts said...

It makes no sense. The two red bars of our flag are meant to represent the two founding peoples and the maple leaf represents the land. We don't need a red, white and blue flag.

Ted Betts said...

It makes no sense. The two red bars were meant to represent the two founding peoples - French and English - and the maple leaf the land. We don't need a red, white and blue flag. North America already has one of those waving around.


Mike B said...

I've thought about it: the unity flag was showing because this government will be about one thing only: securing a majority via Quebec.