Friday, July 14, 2006

Carolyn vs. the Elephant

Liberal leadership candidate Carolyn Bennett writes in the Globe today, warning against 'the elephant in the room': shady membership recruitment

She's right of course. But it's not the membership recruitment process that is shady. It's the recruitment of members, period.  I never understood leadership races the way they are run now, signing up members to get the most delegates at the convention.

When a group needs to pick a leader, the existing members of the group pick one. They don't run out and grab as many extra people as possible to artificially inflate their power to pick the leader. It's rather bizarre.

Anyway, Bennett takes great pains not to name the elephant. It gets rather comical. But then she lets fly at the!


S.K. said...

I agree completely!!! Couldn't agree more.

Membership drives should not happen. Period. They are part of what's wrong with this Party and have always been manipulated.

They undermine democracy. I would rather pay five times what I pay to be a member and have no membership drives. Only on line memberships with 30 days to pay for those without credit cards.

No organizers hustling people ever again. I'm with you.

Mike B said...
