Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I am so fucking over

people in this backwards right wing kleptocratic-plutocracy that is at the bottom of every measure of civilization (say, for example, infant mortality--29th in the world FTW) can suggest that socialism is somehow bad is beyond me.


You equate it with communism, with totalitarianism. Not with true Democratic socialism, that, in fact, doesn't lead to tyranny, doesn't lead to, oh, I wonder, the suspension of ancient liberties like in this country. Stran
gely, the great modern socialist states--which would be Canada, the Netherlands, Scandinavia--don't actually torture their citizens or other people's citizens. Strangely, too, they don't engage in unprovoked wars.

Oh and they appear to have balanced bud
gets and roads that work and they can build opera centres and their bridges don't fall down and they clothe and feed their people while strangely being vibrant democracies with more than 2 parties.

I thou
ght I was a conservative and un-socialist, until I moved here to see how fucking terrible it is without it.


WesternGrit said...

I'm with you. I just don't get it. Mass re-education? Perhaps education first - before "re" education. We know how horrible American eduction standards are.

Mike B said...

Nice post, but less swearing, honey.

Militant Dipper said...

Right on and leave the swearing in. said...

The post title is an immature way of getting someone's attention. And this blog has a history of that immaturity.